Nothing beats tsthe freedom and thrill of the open road. In a perfect world, some of us would like to ride our motorbike every day (and get paid to do it)! Sometimes, however, you need to take your bike into the shop for repairs. Or perhaps you're moving, and it's not practical to ride your motorcycle until you get settled into your new place. Read on to learn the three best ways to transport your bike. And don't forget to check out Gina's Motorsports of Monee in Monee, Illinois, serving clients in Chicago and Kankakee County.

Have the Right Parts Beforehand

Consider adding these parts to your toolbox if you don't have them already for safe and secure bike transport.

  • Ratchet Straps: Instead of a makeshift rope or bungee cord, use ratchet straps, which provide optimal security.
  • Wheel Chocks: To keep your bike stable, invest in some chocks. Chocks will keep your bike from moving and lessen pressure on the ratchet straps.
  • Canyon Dancer Bar Harness: To secure your handlebars, choose this type of harness for optimal stability.
  • Loading Ramp: Once you're ready to put your bike into the trailer or truck, make sure you use a quality metal ramp.

How to Load Your Motorcycle

Even though this sounds like a no-brainer, there are some recommendations to consider before loading your bike.

  • Position Into Neutral: Before loading your motorcycle, put it into a neutral setting to help roll it onto the Ramp.
  • Secure the Ramp: Metal ramps usually have a hook, which you'll want to fasten to your ratchet straps.
  • Ask for Help: It's much easier (and safer) to ask for a bit of help when rolling your bike up the Ramp. It may be easy enough to roll your motorcycle up solo, but if you grab a buddy to help pull it up while in the truck, they can safely secure it from damage.

How to Secure Your Motorcycle

Lastly, you'll want to tighten and secure everything for the move. Motorcycles damage easily if not completely secure, especially on a long haul. 

  • Lay Down Your Chocks: Position one chock behind the back of your wheel and the other in front of your front wheel.
  • Position Your Bike Upright: Put your kickstand up and position your bike upright.
  • Attach Your Straps and Harness: After you attach your handlebar straps and harness, cover your bike for extra protection.

Explore more options by contacting Gina's Motorsports of Monee today! Our showroom is located in Monee, Illinois, and our friendly staff is always happy to help new and returning clients for those we serve in Chicago and Kankakee County.