In an ideal world, the sun would shine, the temperature would be warm, and there would be an endless, beautiful road ahead. But sometimes you have to throw a leg over your bike when the weather is less than ideal. And when bad weather happens, you need to know a few things to keep yourself safe and comfortable while you ride. At Gina’s Motorsports of Monee, in Monee, Illinois, we’ve created this brief guide to riding in bad weather that we hope you will find useful. And when you’re ready to buy some rain gear, accessories, or even a new bike, please come see us. Our dealership serves customers in Chicago and Kankakee County, and our sales and service team will be happy to help you find what you need.


One of the most important things you can do before you go out to ride in bad weather is to buy yourself some good quality waterproof gear. There’s nothing worse than being cold and soaked and having the wind freeze you solid. 

You should start with a good, insulated base layer. You don’t necessarily need to buy specialized gear for this, but you can definitely find cold weather leggings and shirts that will make a real difference. 

If it’s really cold, then you also need to invest in warm, wool socks, insulated riding boots, and waterproof gloves. Some gloves come with face shield wipers installed in the thumb - those can really come in handy in heavy weather. If it’s close to freezing, consider opting for claw-style gloves or even mittens, which help keep hands warmer than five-finger gloves can. The downside of mittens is that they tend to limit hand maneuverability, which can be awkward when using handlebar controls, throttle, and clutch. 

Heated gear is also available - generally powered by batteries, this gear is designed to keep you warm even in the coldest conditions. Whatever you choose, you should finish your gear off with warm, waterproof overpants, a thick, armored rain jacket, and a full-face helmet. You might also consider a neck gaiter, scarf, or even a full balaclava to really keep the cold air off. Finally, since it tends to get dark earlier when it’s cold, add reflective or retro-reflective vests or patches to your gear to make sure that everyone else on the road can see you. 

Bike Maintenance

In cold, wet weather, you have to make sure your bike is up to the task. Especially in the rain, you need to check your tires. Make sure you’re riding on good quality tires with plenty of tread so you don’t slip and slide on the wet roads. If you’re going to be riding in the rain on the regular, then you might consider investing in dedicated rain tires. And of course, check your tire pressure. 

Check your fluids, hoses, and your antifreeze, and make sure your bike is up to date on its basic maintenance. If you don’t already have one, consider adding a large windscreen, along with wind guards or heated grips for your handlebars. You might consider adding grippier foot pegs so your feet don’t slip off when your boots get slippery. 

Riding Tips

Two words: slow down. This may sound obvious, but it has to be repeated. When the road is wet, or slippery, or slushy, you have less control. If you try to ride at your normal speed, you’re going to end up in a world of hurt. 

If it’s close to freezing, you’ll need to watch out for black ice, which can make you lose control faster than you can say “black ice.” Another thing to watch out for if it snows regularly: salt on the road. Salt can kill your traction just as easily as ice can. And salt can also corrode your bike, so it’s important to wash your bike regularly if you’re riding in snowy areas where the roads are salted. 

Bad weather can also damage roads, causing new cracks, potholes, and other obstacles and hazards. Keep your head on a swivel and your eyes open wide to avoid these hazards. 

Again, it all comes down to two words: slow down. Increase your visibility, leave more space between you and the vehicle in front of you. Give yourself as much reaction time as you can, because road conditions may not allow you to make a quick correction safely. 

We hope this guide has helped you understand the keys to riding safely in bad weather. And if you’d like to learn more, or you’re in the market for new gear, accessories, or a new bike, please come see us at Gina’s Motorsports of Monee. We look forward to seeing you!