Riding a motorcycle is much more fuel-efficient than driving a car. However, if you’re looking for a few tips to help improve your bike’s gas mileage, you’ve arrived at the right place. The experts at Gina’s Motorsports of Monee have created this guide to help you easily save a few bucks. Keep reading it to learn more, then visit us at our dealership in Monee, Illinois, where we happily welcome our friends from Chicago and Kankakee County.

Stay on Highways

Riding your motorcycle on the city streets may not be fuel-efficient. That’s because you’ll need to navigate high-traffic areas where you’ll stop and idle for a long time and take turns and curves frequently. These are instances that increase fuel usage. Therefore, whenever possible, stick to highways or faster routes with less traffic. Check traffic conditions before you head out and try to drive in a straight line for the best fuel economy.

Track the Numbers

As most car owners do, track the number of miles you get per fill-up by making a note of it every time you fill up the tank. This will let you know the frequency at which you need to refill the tank and if there’s been a sudden decrease in the mileage recently. If there has been a decrease, it can hint towards an underlying maintenance issue, which you’ll want a trained mechanic to look at. Connect with our experts at Gina’s Motorsports of Monee and let us fix the problem that may be impacting your motorcycle’s gas mileage.

Adjust Your Riding Style

Quick accelerations and sudden stops not only put undue stress on your motorcycle but also affect its fuel mileage. So, you’ll want to adjust the way you ride to make your bike more efficient and add life to it. Practice slower acceleration, as well as braking well in advance of when you need to stop.

Inspect Tire Pressure and Condition

Like an under-inflated car tire can affect its fuel efficiency, the condition of your motorcycle’s tires, too, can make all the difference. As a pre-ride check, inspect the tire pressure and ensure that you maintain the psi levels recommended by the manufacturer. For an accurate match, refer to the owner’s manual before you air up the tires. Also, look at the tread patterns, and check to see if there are any slow leaks reducing the fuel efficiency.

Get Rid of Extra Weight

Lastly, you’ll want to take stock of the extra items on your bike. If you’re carrying many pieces of gear, your bike will need more fuel to travel the same distance. Remove all the extras and bring only the essential items you think you’ll need on your ride. It will help you travel around with a lesser load and boost your bike’s fuel economy.

We hope these tips will help improve your motorcycle’s fuel efficiency. If you have more questions, our experts at Gina’s Motorsports of Monee will be happy to address them. Visit our dealership in Monee, IL, where we proudly serve those from Chicago and Kankakee County.